Buenaventura Randy Sebastian

Strategies used to develop better learning

Studying to pass the Japanese National Exam is not a work in a park. Below are the pointers I did for my study.
  • As much as possible use Japanese in your daily conversation, for you to be able to be fluent in Japanese.
  • Watch Japanese program on television or online. Search the word that you did not understand and use it as a one form of study.
  • Make a time frame for studying by yourself or with your friends everday.
  • Keep answering practice question.
  • Always remember the study topic. It is important to have a technique when memorizing.

Advice from the senior EPA

Living in japan is sur ely a nice experience. Speaking Japanese alone is alr eady c ool,you will witness its beautiful scenery and four season, Also you can eat delicious Japanese dishes and will take care of Japanese people around you. However no one can promise a complete fun experience. There will be sur ely be challenges and sadness along the way. Studying while w orking is not just only push your physical but also your emotional state. You will lose sight of y our goal, homesickness will make you want to meet your family and back to the Philippines. These feeling of frustr ations are normal. But during these times, take a break and breathe. Look into your heart once more and reflect to whom you dedicate all your effort. It also matters how you handle your stress . Be brave , pray and be optimistic. N o matter what, no matter how difficult, don’ t give up and just give your best shot.

Happy memories in Japan until before taking the national examination

During my stay in japan while waiting to take the national exam, I gain a l ot of memories.In my work place, As a care worker, a simple tap from my co- workers saying「 You did great」as for example,「Thank you」from my patients fill my heart with joy I cannot explain. On my days off, from work, I have experienced the Japanese culture first hand , watching cherry blossoms in a beautiful spring day and going to hot bath are the things I cannot put the price tag on. On top of it all, are the days I spent wit h my Japanese and Filipino friends. Far from home when we only have each other it was the laughter, the tears and smile that we shared. The care and support I received from my Filipino and Japanese friends were overwhelming, there was so much to be grateful for. Studying with my co-EPA made it more colorful. Together we strive to reach our common goal, while we miss our family back home, we found friendship beyond compare and we felt never alone. In the end, passing the na tional exam was not a mere goal, but a journey with ups and down, I embraced and enjoyed.

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